Why Vote for Tanya Donnelly

I am proud to call Salem, NH, my home for ~20 years! I'm an independent business consultant working with multi-million/billion dollar organizations globally to help with common-sense solutions to their ever-changing business needs. I will bring these same qualities and skills to Concord. Common-sense solutions to protect your rights.

I support:

  • No Sales Tax. No Income Tax. Protect our Freedoms and Liberties with less government.

  • 2nd Amendment 100%

  • Keeping NH the lowest person tax burden in the nation.

  • The NH Advantage: NH ranks #1 in the livability index. Eight qualities of life ranking: Standard of Living, Most Livable State, Safest State, Child and Family Well-being, Healthiest State, % Population Graduated High School, and Per Capita Income – Stay Work Play Livability Index.

When you vote for me on September 13, you are voting for someone who will bring your voice to Concord. Please call/text at 978-482-3437 or email tanya@tanyadonnelly.com with your views on what you like and want to keep going or changes you want to see at a state level.

Connect with me on Facebook fb.com/tanyadonnelly4NH

What Other People say...

Honorable Donna Sytek - Speaker of the NH House 1996-2000

"I’m supporting Tanya Donnelly because she is a talented leader and hard worker. She is that rare person who always follows through when volunteering for project or making a commitment. These qualities will make her a great State Rep for Salem.”

Pat Conway - Rockingham County Attorney

"Tanya is a highly effective leader with common sense resolutions. I trust Tanya to be Salem's representative in Concord. Please put a person we can trust and respect in this important position."

Cathy Stacey - Rockingham County Register of Deeds, Salem's BoS

"I believe Tanya Donnelly possesses the commitment, energy and positive attitude needed to effectively represent Salem at the State House. As a small business owner she understands the need to attract and retain business in our community and throughout the State."

Annette Abbas - Salem Business Owner

"Hard to sum up a lady such as yourself in one sentence. 😊 Tanya will be tenacious in her efforts to represent us well and I know she has the capacity to do so."

Lisa Withrow - Salem Business Owner, Former BoS

"Tanya is involved, passionate and intelligent. She will be an excellent Rep. for Salem."

Sheila Casey - The "Mother of Pearl" for outstanding contributions to Salem Community

"Tanya’s unassuming, straightforwardness and integrity are only surpassed her ability to discern solutions for challenges with an encouraging, positive attitude!"

Adam Abbas - Salem Business Owner - ZeZos Dollar

"Tanya’s hard work & commitment to Salem is excellent! She will be a hardworking & dedicated Representative for Salem!"

Jessica Abbas - Mother, Wife, Entrepreneur, Boss

"Tanya has a strong will and determination to listen to the constituents of Salem and make positive changes in Concord."

Representative Jodi Nelson - NH State Representative of Derry NH

"As a successful entrepreneur, Tanya will bring a much needed skill set as we continue to find ways to support NH businesses."

Dave Blake - Long Time Salem Resident

"I'm offering my support to Tanya because in all the years that I've known her she's been a powerful supporter of our community. She's very focused and ambitious and doesn't take no for an answer. She knows how and where to get the answers and she doesn't hesitate when the road gets rough. We've worked together on several projects to better our community and I have to say she's really proactive. You can't go wrong by voting for a candidate like Tanya Donnelly."

Jeff Boyer - Salem Budget Committee, CLPA Board Member

"Tanya possesses tenacity in seeing legislative issues and voter concerns through. She advocates for common sense conservative and independent political issues. She is on the correct side of many issues including preserving the NH Advantage of keeping our taxes as low as possible and other conservation matters . Her consistent involvement with state and local boards and organizations provide her with the needed knowledge to make her the BEST candidate to represent us as a NH House representative. We need more people like Tanya in Concord!!"

The Norris Cotton Award

My accomplishments in the Salem community:

  • On the Budget Committee, I supported the vote to recognize the additional revenue coming in from the Rooms and Meals tax of $1.3M.

  • I had the foresight to hold off on supporting additional spending, knowing $3.5M additional was coming into the town from the State budget to offset some expenses of tax payers to the town.

  • After becoming Vice-Chair at Salem's Republican Town Committee in 2021, we have doubled our membership and 50% more women. Today we have 5 new Republican Women running in addition to the 2 incumbents. This is the most women Republican State Reps. Candidates Salem has ever had!

  • Led the local lake associations educational marketing efforts for The Town of Salem voters to support the additional water line to come down from Manchester. Bringing in 300K gpd today and future state will be 1.5M gpd.